• Belgrade Photo Month Photography Festival - Call For Entries
• Deadline: February 9th, 2023
• Prize: Exhibition
• Category: Open
• Entry Fees: Free
• REGISTRATION: CLOSED, Click HERE For More Opportunities •
The sixth Belgrade Photo Month Photography Festival, which will include portfolio reviews, photography exhibitions, lectures, workshops, and more in April 2023, occurring in a variety of locations around Belgrade, Serbia.
Anyone born on or after January 1, 1997, regardless of nationality, is eligible to participate in the open call. However, if the sponsoring organization or its agent determines that an entry does not comply with the exhibition's rules and conditions, the entry may be rejected. The subject is unrestricted, with the exception of what is specified in the rules and definitions of specific sections or by other laws of the Republic of Serbia.
Photographs (image captures of objects via light sensitivity) taken by the entrant on photographic emulsion or digitally are required for entry. When an entry is submitted, the author declares that the work is their own (pseudonyms are not allowed). As a result, the contestant grants the sponsors permission to freely reproduce all or a portion of the submitted content for use in media related to the exhibition. Posting the content on a website with a low resolution may also fall under this category.
The exhibition's organizers disclaim all responsibility for any infringement of copyright. The author has the ability to alter images in any way, whether electronically or otherwise.
THEME: Colorama We are sick of viruses, pandemics, and lockdowns; we are sick of wars fought in the name of peace and national borders; and we are sick of regimes that pretend to be democratic.
We are aware that attempting to alter the world and our own reality will not be easy; On the other hand, one thing we will try to do along the way is to keep adding, even if it's just a few tiny grains of sand that will eventually grow into something bigger, more important, and more important to us.
Therefore, let's fly Somewhere Over the Rainbow, ride Falkor, and don Johnny Depp sunglasses. Imagine a planet in Kodachrome. Let's keep a dream going, at least until April 29th, 2023, because, as Joan Miró famously said: I try to use color in the same way that words shape poems and notes shape music. Let's try to use colors to shape our reality.
As a result, we are inviting all potential participants to submit proposals centered on something as straightforward yet exquisite as colors in all their glory.