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Decagon Gallery Free Photo Shows

Decagon Gallery

• Deadline: Rolling

• Prize: Exhibition

• Theme: Open

• Entry Fees: Free

• REGISTRATION: CLOSED, Click HERE For More Opportunities

This is a FREE call for photographic art!

This is a free online exhibition with no set theme. Submissions are open until we have accepted 25—30 photographs for the exhibition, after which all submissions will go into the next FLASH exhibition. Each exhibit will run on our website for 6 or more weeks.

Submissions are offered to all photographers over the age of 18, anywhere in the world. There is no theme — just send us your great photos. We're happy to see all kinds of photographic images (but keep it tasteful).

Format your images at 1500 pixels wide, set to 72 ppi. The maximum file size is 2 MB. Please title your files "First Name-Last Name_Title" (eg. John-Jones_Urban Sunset.jpg)

You retain the copyright to your photograph, and if your photo is accepted you agree to allow Decagon Gallery to use it to promote the exhibition and the website.

There is no prize or award associated with this exhibition, but hey — it's free!


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