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Find The Orange + Osborne Clarke / Ai Photo Contest - Call for Entries

• Find The Orange + Osborne Clarke

• Deadline: September 8th, 2024

• Prize: 1.000 Euros + Exposure

• Category: Artificial Intelligence

• Entry Fees: Free


Find The Orange + Osborne Clarke / Ai Photo Contest - Call for Entries

#FindTheOrange AI [Photo] Contest is a competition for images reprocessed with Artificial Intelligence organised by #FindTheOrange and Osborne Clarke Studio Legale (the ‘Organisers’), under the direction of AI Artist and international scientist Mauro Martino, which aims to promote the use of this new technology and knowledge of its potential and risks.‘Realis, Irrealis, Liminalis. Imagining new ir/realities through AI' is the theme of this first edition.

The term liminal comes from the Latin ‘limen’, meaning threshold, and is used in various fields, from psychology to anthropology, to indicate a state of transition, an intermediate point separating two different phases, conditions, or existences. In art and literature, liminal can refer to representations that stand exactly on this threshold, offering a vision that blurs the boundaries between the real and the unreal.

Participants are asked to imagine and represent the border between the real and the unreal - the liminal - using Artificial Intelligence tools as investigative tools. 


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