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Leica Street Photography Contest

Leica Gallery

• Deadline: January 30th, 20223

• Prize: Leica SL2-S camera + EUR 1,000 Voucher

• Theme: Street Photography

• Entry Fees: Free

• REGISTRATION: CLOSED, Click HERE For More Opportunities

The Leica Street Photo competition is now in its twelfth year! One of the largest and most significant competitions devoted to street photography is once more open to photographers. This year, the prize for the best picture is a Leica SL2-S camera and a 1,000 EUR lens voucher! The competition's rules remain unchanged: the Jury will select 20 winners from the submitted works. They will be on display in Warsaw and numerous other cities.

Awards The competition's Grand Prix prize consists of a Leica SL2-S camera and a $1,000 voucher that can be used at The Jury's vote will determine which entry will win.

The competition's top prize will be awarded in accordance with Poland's current tax laws.

In the event of victory in the 12th Leica Street Photo, sanctions imposed on the Russian Federation and Belarus in connection with military operations in Ukraine close the door to bestowing the award on residents of sanctioned territories.

The works that make it to the final will be shown at the Leica 67 Gallery in Warsaw and other galleries that work with the Leica 67 Gallery. All costs associated with the exhibition's organization, opening ceremony, printing, and presentation of the winning works are covered by the Organizer.

The Organizer will give the Tax Office service an additional cash prize that is part of the Main Prize.

The participant will receive an additional cash prize equal to 11.11 percent of the value of each in-kind prize. As a result, the participant will not receive the cash prize because the participant has agreed to allocate the additional cash prize to cover the Organizer's flat-rate income tax on the winning prize. Before awarding the prize, the organizer, in its capacity as the payer of the flat-rate personal income tax, will calculate, collect, and pay the flat-rate income tax that is due on the winnings to the appropriate Tax Office. Basis for law: art. 30 ust. 1 pkt. 2 ustawy on June 26, 1991, in the midst of the dochodowym podatku od osób fizycznych (t.j. Dz. 2018 r. position 200 z późn. zm.)


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