• The Chateau Gallery
• Deadline: February 15th, 2023
• Prize: Exhibition + Sales
• Theme: Spring
• Entry Fees: Yes
• REGISTRATION: CLOSED, Click HERE For More Opportunities •
The onset of spring, winter's end. like spring and winter, like life and death. The cycle ought to be endless in its entirety. When Persephone emerges from her slumber deep within the Underworld, her heart longs not for Hades's icy embrace but rather for her mother Demeter and the mortal realm above. The Earth bursts into ecstasy when daughter and mother are brought back together. As seeds push through the ground, eager to assert their right to live, Gaia herself nurtures them. As Apollo's chariot whirls through the sky, flora and fauna restore hope. Show us the Parthenon at dusk, the meandering rivers, and the fields in full bloom. Show us the life and warmth that spring brings, but most importantly, show us what spring truly means to you. The international juried group exhibition Spring 2023 is open to photographers over the age of 18. All color, conventional, and digital post-production techniques, as well as black-and-white photography, are accepted for submission.